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01/07/2002 Entry: "The Numbers Racket."

On the subject of the Numbers game, yes, how very John Rechy. My lifetime totals are on the high end, though looking at the past several years of monogamy, I'm bringing down the yearly average pretty fast. In my very early 20's, I briefly looked into Sexual Addiction or Sexual Compulsion groups to see what they were about. But besides being turned off by the twelve step approach, I realized that being a young gay man with a strong libido was probably not an unusual thing and shouldn't be treated as malfunction. It was certainly an appropriate wake-up call to pay attention to my sexual responses at the time, but to treat every erotic urge as illness seemed erotophobic and misguided. Now I'm just becoming an old pervert. (Hi Mom!)

Is it a cop-out to say the sexual norms of gay men may be different than those of straight men? I don't think so. As long as your sexual behaviors don't damage yourself or others, what's the problem?

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here, here.

Posted by aaron @ 01/07/2002 04:28 PM PST

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