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02/08/2002 Entry: "When It Rains, It Snows."

This has not been how I expected this week to go. Four AM is not a proper bedtime: It just makes your Thursday (and your Friday) a little surreal. From a very tasty but unexpected long lunch, to being buried under clipboards at Ba-Da-Bingo, being followed into a taqueria, making the regrettable decision not to meet online friends for drinks (I'm sad I missed you, though I would have been totally ill this morning had I gone,) and then rushing through the official corporate performance review process for a deadline, while on deadline, while trying to leave early, while cancelling the contract of that attractive freelance worker...it all seemed so strange.

Wonder if I'll get some time this weekend to make it to the Alternative Press Expo. Who can say. It's not like I don't have work to do, nor anything else important to do.

Gotta go; time for Soup.

Replies: One Comment

think nothing of it.

we missed you too but there will be other times.

Posted by aaron @ 02/10/2002 10:38 PM PST

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