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10/22/2002 Entry: "Innuendo, Rumor and Whimsy."

I have a huge backblog of entries that I'm working on from as far back as the weekend before last, but I have far too much work to do today to write them. (I really don't feel like working either, but that's not unusual.) Here's a few quick items that needed a place to live.

• While brushing the crumbs off of my crotch, I realized how excited I was about the non-fat cinnamon roll. Wait, that came out wrong.

• Miss R. should definitely see this version of The Elements. (Via Brad.) Someday I hope to commit this song to memory.

• Do you have a book in you? [Checks major orifices] Don't think so. I hope I'd notice that.

• You know the expression, "Card-carrying member of the ACLU?" For some reason it never occurred to me that there would be an actual card involved until one arrived in the mail. Now the expression just makes me snicker.

• It's the karmic tobacco balance: one of my new reads quits while another one starts. (Well, cigarette number two doesn't exactly constitute a habit, but I still don't recommend making it one.)

Replies: One Comment

About the cinnamon roll line which, if you ask me, would be the great opener for that book you don't think you have in you: XYZ

Posted by Panchesco @ 10/23/2002 11:58 AM PST

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