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01/20/2005 Entry: "Insane Unpopular Rulers Named George."

George III supported Lord North's policies that resulted in the American War of Independence (1776-1783). Some MPs, led by Charles Fox and William Pitt criticised the conflict as an "unjust war" and urged Lord North's government to bring it to an end. Fox and Pitt were also critical of the way that George III tried to influence and manipulate those in Parliament." (Emphasis mine.)

The more things change.

I was going to try to black out the media today, since there's only one story on: the Coronation of King George. But there are at least good links to be had from it all. First, What Bush's Inauguration Could Have Bought. (Via Chuck.)

$40 million: Cost of Bush inaugural ball festivities, not counting security costs.

$2,000: Amount FDR spent on the inaugural in 1945...about $20,000 in today's dollars.

King George and his court may think we're too busy fighting the Drug Wars, the Culture Wars, and that War war to notice that the Class war is still on, but I think we all still remember. At least I hope so.

There are a couple of people who can tell it like it is. Lately we've had Barbara Boxer, who sometimes pisses me off, impress me with her questioning of Condi Rice. And the best thing on Pundit TV since Jon Stewart on Crossfire: Judy Bachrach from Vanity Fair takes "more than [her] time to give us [her] point of view." (Transcript here.) (Via Klae.)

But I think I've been given more than my time to give you my point of view this morning. So thanks.

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